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Showing posts from May, 2016

US Presidential 2016 candidate, Ted Cruz, announces tritone ban.

As the US elections approach, let's reflect on a curious proposal from one of the 2016 presidential candidates, Ted Cruz. In an unusual stance, he suggested banning the tritone due to its alleged satanic association. This idea may strike some as reminiscent of medieval thinking, considering the tritone's historical association with the "devil in music." While such views might seem outdated in modern times, it serves as a reminder that diverse perspectives and beliefs can influence even political discourse. As we navigate the upcoming elections, let's cherish the open exchange of ideas while keeping an eye on progress and inclusivity in our society. “A pair of tones separated by three consecutive whole steps may at first seem perfectly harmless,” Cruz said, “but when played together or in melodic succession they pose a direct threat to the moral fabric of our great nation.” For more information please read this article.