Once Upon a Time James Dillon Once Upon a Time...Ircam When the premiere of a work called ‘Once Upon a Time’ at the Huddersfield Festival of 1980, James Dillon was immediately thrust centre stage. Hitherto, James Dillon's success had been variable. Mainly learning his craft in libraries rather than formal institutions and without the prospect of a performance at the end, many of his early pieces were left incomplete. The first substantial work Babble (1974-6) was a brief glimpse of things to come. Although now James Dillon disregards the rigorous architectural design in which everything 'is mapped out despite the material'. After the first section was rehearsed by the newly formed Charles Ives Choir who were perplexed by some of the graphic notation, the work was abandoned. His momentary interest in serialism in ‘Dillug-Kefitsah’ (1976) encouraged James Dillon to examine the seemingly paradoxical notion of a...